咖啡新手每天拉花一杯,半年後能進步多少? process of ‘a latte a day’ for 6 months!


in the first month I was struggling with steaming milk, which is the basic of making a good latte art, you won’t get either good taste or good looking coffee with a super thick and bubbly foam. Failure or feeling untalented is a mast-go path when it comes to learning new skill, so don’t give up here!

//第一個月 first month//


still can’t get the milk steaming consistently, meanwhile it’s time to focus on controlling the flow of the milk, also how much milk to keep in the pitcher for my pouring. I was afraid to waste too much milk but then I knew how important it is to let the extra foam out(especially when it’s too thick)

//第二個月 2nd month//

第三個月:”推”的技巧 3rd month: PUSH to make the leaf

第三個月我決定從葉子開始練習,這個圖案基本上就是重複 倒 推 提,但還是有很多地方要注意的,比如說牛奶要倒在杯中的哪個位置,什麼時候要往前推,推多少、多快才能讓第二層擠到第一層,變成展開的樣子,一開始碰到最大的困難就是「我的葉子都不會展開!」,推得越好能做出越多層的葉子~

when Im getting better at steaming milk, I got better quality milk to make it easier to be poured, started with some easy pattern like layer leaf. is not just pour, pour ,pour— it’s pour, push, and lift! every step matter, where to drop the milk, how to push and when to lift the jug. the challenge for me at this stage was the push, I couldn’t make the layer as thin and as much as I want. but same, the more I practice, the better I got.

//第三個月 3rd month//

第四個月:瘋狂練習葉子 4th month: more leafs


as I wanna get my first pattern perfect, I keep trying these for a while, it took me some time to finally get how to push. see, latte art is about practice! actually lots of things in life are, so always remember to give yourself some more time before quitting!

//第四個月 4th month//

第五個月:練習加了搖晃的鬱金香 5th month: layer leaf with wiggling


besides layer leaf, I started to work on the wiggling, which is the basic skill to make a good rosetta, and it’s definitely another challenge!
everyday seeing those baristas making such beautiful coffees with my own eyes, it actually motivate me a lot (not to mention how satisfy that is XD), wishing the day I can make the unicorn or seahorse comes quicker!

//第五個月 5th month//

第六個月:搖晃真的是另一種境界 6th month: try to do the rosetta


here comes the last month of working here, means my practice will be in a short pause after here. I was hoping to get my rosetta skill proficient, but seems my hand needs more time to familiar with the wigglingXD anyway, I am quite satisfied with the skill I’ve get so far!

//第六個月 6th month//
//那些以為自己出師了的瞬間 highlights//

//special thanks to Lucky!!//
//special thanks to Tetsu!! he’s absolute star!!//


story time : im just so honored to be guide by our head barista–Lucky, as my ‘officially'(:P) first tutor. there was one time he said to me:”when I first saw you, I knew you can become a barista”. like, how motivate it is to hear this!! whether he really meant it or not(but I believe he meant it :D). he taught me not just about coffee but also gave a very good example of a respectable leadership, truly grateful!

總之呢~從一開始練習的時候我就知道我不是拉花天才了(那些上過課就會拉的就是天才),就算每天都有人指點我還是花了很多時間才熟悉起來,但我知道這是一件「持續練習就會看到成效」的事,所以為了更大的成就感我絕對會繼續精進的!畢竟誰不想端出一杯外表口感味道都讓人讚嘆的咖啡呢 對吧!

after all, I didn’t see myself as the talented one so I will just keep going and improve myself until I can make every cups delicious and pretty. so stay tuned to see the story before I become a barista!


see y’all at the next post!
