蔬菜蕃茄醬 veg tomato sauce

tomato sauce is a very flexible dish, you can make it different by adding pork or beef mince, red wine, or herbs. here im sharing this most simple one with no meat, nothing fancy ingredent but very flavorful tomato sauce that you can easily make in you kitchen!

『材料』3人份 ingredient for 3 serves

  • 蕃茄罐頭(丁狀或整粒) — 一罐 one can of peeled tomato
  • 蕃茄糊 ————– 1T(一湯匙)tomato paste 1T
  • 不限種類新鮮蕃茄 —–1~2顆 1~2 fresh tomato
  • 紅蘿蔔 ————– 小型一根 1 small carrot
  • 洋蔥 —————- 小型半顆 half of small onion
  • 蒜頭 —————- 三瓣 3 pieces of garlic
  • 義大利綜合香料 —— 1tsp Italian mixed herb
  • 月桂葉 ————– 一片 1 bay leaf
  • 鹽巴、黑胡椒 salt&pepper
  • 油品可自由選擇,首選橄欖油、這次剛好家裡有雞皮,用雞油代替 any kind of oil you got, i use chicken oil this time
  • 水(或雞高湯)water or chicken/veg broth

要加的話比例 蘿蔔1:西洋芹1:洋蔥2
ps. I didn’t put any celery just because I don’t like it, I don’t wanna waste the rest just for this dish.
do carrot1 : celery1 : onion2 if you’d like!

[1] 蒜頭切末、蕃茄切丁、紅蘿蔔洋蔥切丁 mince the garlic, dice the veggies

[2]雞皮煸出雞油 pan-fried chicken skin to get the oil


once again, home cook can be very flexible, you can always replace few ingredients with something similar to get the same result :).

[3]蔬菜(除了蕃茄)炒香、炒透、炒軟 slow fried the veggies


fried until the flavor of veggies comes out.

[4]撥開一個空位加入蕃茄糊炒香 add the tomato paste


make a space for the paste, by the heat straight from the pan it’ll release more flavor, mix with oil a bit then give it a well mix with everything.

[5]加入新鮮蕃茄炒軟 soften the fresh tomato


add a little bit of salt for soften as well as balance the base taste of everything here.

[6]加入蕃茄罐頭 add the canned tomato in

[7]加入一罐頭的水或高湯 add a can of water or broth

[8]開燉前調味 seasoning


add the herbs, pinch of sugar, salt and pepper. give it a nice stir.


[9]中大火煮滾 turn up the heat until boiling


[10]轉小火保持微滾、加蓋留小縫、15分鐘 turn the heat to small, leave a gap and stew for 15 mins

//把一切交給時間和水!let time and water work! //

[11]攪拌防止鍋底沾黏、再繼續煮15~20分鐘 give it a stir to prevent it stick at the bottom, then keep stewing for another 15 mins

//煮完第一個15分鐘 15 mins after //

[12]最後調味 taste check



now we get a rich and flavorful sauce after 30~40 mins stewing, check the taste and adjust it as you prefer. if you’d like a smooth sauce blend it at this step.
here I add one more pinch of sugar as it’s a bit sour for me.

//煮完第二個15分鐘 30 mins after//

[13]完成!viola! time to serve!


I really like this simple dish, with just few ingredients you can get this delicious flavorful homemade sauce. it’s very basic yet a good pair with any kind of pasta noodle, or even use it as a base sauce for other kind of meal!

小秘密:加水的階段多加一點,最後就會得到蕃茄湯,可以在最後加點櫛瓜丁,也很讚 😀
